Claiborne Colombo is an artist, Creative and Design Director based on Lopez Island, WA.


Making art and designing things where the land meets the sea. A digital journal and visual record of Claiborne’s art, life, design, and inspiration among all other things…

Claiborne Colombo Claiborne Colombo

To the momma that made this possible.

family collage, 2005

family collage, 2005

here's to the momma that made all of this possible. to bare feet and magnolia trees, and a family that can love across a continent. i am one lucky gal.


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Claiborne Colombo Claiborne Colombo

Inspired by.

"Proof that you can make anywhere feel like more like home with a little bit of a mess."  @HeatherDayArt

"Proof that you can make anywhere feel like more like home with a little bit of a mess."  @HeatherDayArt

Completely inspired by Heather Day. Her mixed media paintings and approach to making art keeps me wanting to make more and more. I follow her on social media and completely love her approach and how she talks about her art. Also completely jealous of her studio space.

Check her out:

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Claiborne Colombo Claiborne Colombo

Introducing : A R T L O V E

sometimes you just need to stop and look around you. for art and design it always is helpful for me to look to others who also create for some inspiration. meet my brainchild ::: A R T L O V E ::: it's a personal project that acts like an online gallery and catalogues artwork that i love. i hope it introduces people to artist and pieces they wouldn't have seen otherwise. most importantly, i hope it inspires.

view site here

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Art Claiborne Colombo Art Claiborne Colombo

Work by Katie Batten.

Loving these energetic still life's that mix pop-culture with a folk art feel. It brings a refreshing lift to the conventional form. Great interview on little paper planes with artist (read here).

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Claiborne Colombo Claiborne Colombo

Keep me sane.

“I always felt that if you do something you love, you should find a way to get paid for it. That is one reason I became an illustrator. I could always do work on my own and if I was lucky enough to sell a painting and make some extra money that was good fortune. Illustration didn’t come naturally to me — I worked very hard to understand how to make my illustration work more ‘commercial’ and acceptable. My natural inclination and ability is towards the fine arts, which I continue to do and always have done throughout the years.”

– Barbara Nessim

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Claiborne Colombo Claiborne Colombo

Quote of the Day.

…paving the way for further future experimentation with coloring outside the lines.

kate haveles

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Claiborne Colombo Claiborne Colombo

Time, time, time.

Where you come from is gone, where you thought you were going to was never there… Where is there a place for you to be? No place… Nothing outside you can give you any place… In yourself right now is all the place you’ve got.
— Flannery O’Connor (via likeafieldmouse)
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