Unearthly Beauty. Nov 18 Written By Claiborne Colombo “Rembrandt. Velázquez. Late Titian. They make jokes. They amuse themselves. They build up the illusion, the trick—but, step closer? it falls apart into brushstrokes. Abstract, unearthly. A different and much deeper sort of beauty altogether. The thing and yet not the thing.” — Excerpt From: Tartt, Donna. “The Goldfinch.” Little, Brown and Company, 2013-10-22. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright. abstractpaintinggood readsthe goldfinchdonna tarttartphilosophy Claiborne Colombo Artist and Creative Director based in Lopez Island, Washington https://www.claibornecolombo.com/
Unearthly Beauty. Nov 18 Written By Claiborne Colombo “Rembrandt. Velázquez. Late Titian. They make jokes. They amuse themselves. They build up the illusion, the trick—but, step closer? it falls apart into brushstrokes. Abstract, unearthly. A different and much deeper sort of beauty altogether. The thing and yet not the thing.” — Excerpt From: Tartt, Donna. “The Goldfinch.” Little, Brown and Company, 2013-10-22. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright. abstractpaintinggood readsthe goldfinchdonna tarttartphilosophy Claiborne Colombo Artist and Creative Director based in Lopez Island, Washington https://www.claibornecolombo.com/