Claiborne Colombo

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Here we go

The bustle of December has got me in hibernation and refocus mode. I finally had some time to think what I want my 2018 to look like and how art can be at the center of it. With the New Years and all the talk of resolutions it got me excited because I realized this is my first year where art is my focus. That said, there is a lot of unchartered territory that I needed to think about. With the help of some art/business/everything-outside-the-studio books and creative podcast my thoughts began to form all throughout December. 

There is something to be said for getting it all out on paper. I used to journal all the time throughout middle and high school so it feels natural. It really helps me sort through the ideas/thoughts and make a plan. Not going to lie, buying a new journal and pens always gets me going. I am a visual thinker so just listing things out doesn’t work for me. To make sense of it, I have to map it out. Luckily I found a method that is great for connecting the dots and helped my brain get organized.

Since my return from my residency I have been chomping at the bit to do some explorations of my work in black in white. By simplifying the pallet and removing the color story the marks and their narrative really have a chance to shine through. I am really excited about some of my starts and can’t wait to keep pushing it forward.

This lifestyle isn’t just a change for me but for my crew too. The dogs and I are trying to negotiate studio space and when/if/how they are allowed in there. I love their company but sometimes I need to focus. Luckily Gian’s shop is finally all setup so when I am in my studio he can be out there making furniture, knives and whatever else he imagines. That’s the idea at least, we’ll see how it goes.

I know a lot can happen in a year and I am excited to see where 2018 takes me.