Removing Color

Detail, work in progress

Detail, work in progress

The seed was planted in my head at the tail end of my residency at The Banff Centre. I was having a studio visit with Rachel Bacon and we were talking about the differences between painting and drawing. With my background in watercolor I’ve always treated my paintings like drawings. The essays I love center around contemporary drawing and mark-making. I relate more to the language of graphite than that of oils. So she prompted me with a simple question… 

“Would you ever try this in black and white?”

Talk about a light bulb moment. That is exactly what I needed to do to push my work. I could see it in my head so clearly. Conceptually I can justify the shift. It made sense. Take the color out of it and let the marks sing.

Paper and small canvas

Paper and small canvas

With the start of 2018 I’ve entered this new phase excitedly. I started with some small canvas test, works on paper and now am in the middle of a large canvas piece. It's quite amazing to see these pieces come alive even with a reduced color pallet.

Large canvas in progress

Large canvas in progress

Claiborne Colombo

Artist and Creative Director based in Lopez Island, Washington

When Your Clothes Match the Art


Here we go