Claiborne Colombo

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okay, canada - i dig your style

actual studio space @banffcentre – wtf?! where are the fairies?

life is full of glorious surprises. this past thursday i got notice that i was accepted into the BAiR (Banff Artist in Residence) for visual + digital art. to be honest i didn't think i would. this put me in one beautiful pickle... Vermont Studio Center or Banff Center. after weighing all the pros and cons (finances, program, location, facilities, project, impact on my spouse, etc.) i decided to go north of the wall – winter is coming – isn't it? GoT aside, i cannot be more excited. 

one thing that solidified my decision was re-reading through my cover letter. i won't re-write it all but here is what stood out to me:

my number one priority for this residency was to lean on others to teach me what i need to know so i can change my surface. when i was planning on attending the Vermont residency i was anxious about how to get materials there and could feel myself already defaulting to work on what i know, paper. this reminded me that i did want to learn and try something new. at Banff i'll have access to that support so that i can do this...

what better place to get lost in creation then this...

banff centre + mountains - holey moley! - Source

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