¡ O L E !

S H O P  
N O W  O P E N

spontaneity sometimes opens up a whole new dimension to your work – in this case, becoming a small business owner.

a couple weeks back i started making small paintings. they allowed me to work quickly and explore new mediums and form. the more i did them, the more i fell in love with process. i was posting my progress on social media and i was getting some really positive comments [insert vibrating heart emoji]. people started asking me if pieces were for sale.

one thing that bothers me about fine art is how unaccessible it can be from a monetary perspective. i am in my late twenties and i find that i have definitely transitioned out of poster covered walls and want to fill them with higher quality work. in theory that's nice but in reality it's really *&$#ing expensive - don't even get me started on framing.

light bulb on! why not sell these smaller paintings? from a price point perspective, they are more affordable and from a production standpoint, they are sustainable. i like the idea of seeing which ones people gravitate towards as well. i definitely have my favorites. since they are abstract they sort of act like an inkblot test. different people gravitate towards different forms.

so now it's time for the real stuff – like figuring out a business plan.

U P D A T E : 3.16.15

lucky for me there are others that believe in the making art more affordable. i've partnered with simply framed – they offer quality framing at amazing prices. definitely something i can get on board with. plus they have some really awesome articles and spotlights on artist. worth checking out.

Claiborne Colombo

Artist and Creative Director based in Lopez Island, Washington


Seeing what is there.


Man vs. Nature