I'm jumping off the ledge.
i’ve been reading a lot of artist interviews and have been inspired by their work (thanks great discontent). recently, lisa soleberg, nathaniel gibson, and elle luna‘s art have resonated with me.
i’ve been working primarily on smaller pieces that are very structured and use only black and white.
what i love about their work is the large size, freedom of color, and loose form.
i’ve also been feeling stagnate and uninspired. i haven’t spent significant time in the studio and am feeling depleted, creatively. enter an article about creative ruts. in this article, fear and self-imposed limitations are listed as culprits. it also explored the need to jump off the ledge to make way for creative salvation.
so yeah, fuck it, lets jump.
i’ve decided i’m going to make 5 large pieces completely opposite of the work i’m currently doing. i have 5 free days, and will work until i’m finished.