Claiborne Colombo

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Day 1 : Blobs, drips, and spatters

5 paintings started. 3 solid starts. 2 mess ups. 1 cover up.

for some the blank white page is terrifying. for me, getting started is easy – it’s continuing that is hard.

with watercolor you go in spurts. paint furiously. dripping, splattering, bleeding pigments into one another and then pause. it can take hours for it to fully dry. you leave that piece and start on another. although you’ve stopped working on the paper, the watercolor has not. colors are settling and soaking as water evaporates.

no matter how you left it, the painting always looks different when you come back to it.

in these moments you have to reevaluate, reconsider, and redirect where you are going. this is the hard part.

but i’ll deal with that tomorrow.